Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer Break? What is That?!

I am overwhelmed.  There I said it.  Ahhh, that feels good.  I admit I bring this chaos upon myself.  I put too much on my plate for lack of a better term.  And now I am paying for it.  Don't get me wrong.  I enjoy much of what I do.  There is just a lot of it.  Between my full-time job at the office, being a mom, volunteer work, house work and recovery work, I am beat!  Physically and emotionally.  Is it any wonder why I choose to take a nap whenever possible? 

Tonight I volunteer at the wildlife shelter.  I take pleasure in feeding raccoons and listening to the owls hoot as I walk by.  But it is nasty hard work!  I am hauling tail when I am there and I have to remind myself to take a break.  Especially since I go straight from my "real" job to the center.  A day of work at the office followed up by another 5 hours of mopping, sweeping, endless extra gross laundry and dishes at the center.  (Hold on.  Let me tell you about this laundry for a second.  Imagine your cat pooping all over your bed sheets.  You have that, "What the F@$*?" moment before you start to clean up the disaster.  Now multiply that by about 100 and give the crap an extra "wild" aroma.  There.  You've got it!)  Today I will consciously work in an hour in-between the two jobs for myself.  An iced coffee in the sun with my blogging journal to refresh my mind is just what I need.  Tonight when I come home, my husband will take one whiff of me and ask me to go boil myself.  Sexy!

Saturday mornings I volunteer at the animal spay and neuter clinic.  I love the connection I have made with the people there.  I wrap surgical packs and clean instruments as well as help take care of the animals.  More poop!  I really enjoy being a part of the community.  I think it's important to show my kids I have many interests and make time for those things I care about.  I have been volunteering at various places since I was 14 and the work is meaningful to me.  I don't want to give up anything.

I'm just dog tired.  (Pun intended.)

I not only have all of this I do on a daily and weekly basis, but I have hit a particularly rough patch with my recovery.  There.  I said that too.  It's time to bump it up a notch and I am not sure I have any more energy for it.  I have some serious thinking to do and some hard conversations to tackle.  I just don't wanna!  I don't feel like I have much time to contemplate my next steps.  Like really sit and think about deep shit.  I'm always on the move and there is always the next item on the schedule to cross off.

Tomorrow my husband will drop of the kids with my parents so we all can have a much needed break.  The kids also need a little escape from the monotony of our weeks.  We have been spending some great quality time together while they are on summer break.  We have been having fun camping, playing, visiting parks and beaches.  It's great.  But mama needs to chill!  I am so very thankful I have family that is willing to help us out.  Not only is it great for my husband and me.  But I really truly value the relationship my kids are building with other family members.  Some of my fondest memories from childhood are the times spent with my grandparents.  I want my kids and our parents to have that special bond that they can only have together. 

So date night it is!  We have been terrible about being consistent with dates and when we do have time together we get lost on what to do with ourselves.  We need some adventure.  We need something new even if it is just for a weekend.  On Saturday we are pulling out our list and doing something from it!  And we might have to work in a nap as well.  Mama needs a nap. 

Food for Thought

How is your summer shaping up?  

Are you able to take time out for yourself each day?

What is your favorite summer activity?

Live on!


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