Saturday, May 18, 2013

Here I Grow!

Well here it is.   A blank, white, empty computer screen.  My blog name at the top:  Mothering Me.  I named it after the Story of Hope I wrote for NEDA (which I will post at a later date).  I have been considering blogging for months, but my fear has kept me from trying something new as it has so many times before.  What if I'm not good, smart, funny, interesting, sexy, witty enough?  What if my high school English teacher reads this and finds errors?  What if I *gasp* offend someone?!  After much consideration and battles in my head, I am finally deciding to give it a go.  Take THAT self conscious bit of brain!  I have decided that even though I am afraid, I am going to step forward.  I don't consider myself to be writer really.  I am an atrocious speller (yep, spell check just caught that one).  I have no fancy degrees.  I am no expert at anything.  I know a bit of this, and a bit of that.  I learn new things every day.  And, I am OK with this.  It has been a work in progress accepting me just he way I am.  So that is what this little blog is about.  Self acceptance, self love, growth, recovery, relationships, thoughts and FEELINGS (oh yes, there will be a lot of those flying around).  I am learning who I am as human being on this crazy planet.  At 35, I am learning to love life and accept imperfections in myself as well as others.  I am parenting two cool kids and also learning how to be a mother to myself at the same time.  I am discovering not only myself, but the world around me.  I see everyone I know discovering themselves too.  I have come to the conclusion that being a human in this world is...well...weird, scary, messy, awesome, beautiful, and a gift.  We are equal in our humanity and I love that about us!  So here I go a-blogging!  Feel free to poke around and leave me your thoughts, comments, FEELINGS (there's that word again).  Anything you like!  I am doing this now, and I am ready! 


1 comment:

  1. Just keep the words coming, stay strong and true to yourself. O and you ROCK :) love Don
