I'm in a funk. Yup. A compete funkfest. I'd love to blame it all on the season but I am afraid it 's more than that. The weather here has been beautiful with the exception of today, so it's not just the fall blues. I'm not feeling down all of the time. I have moments of funklessness. But for the most part, I am feeling low and melancholy. Oh, and when I say melancholy I mean I could totally spend this dreary day at my favorite cemetery reading Sylvia Plath and listening to my poor-me playlist. "Did she just say her favorite cemetery?" The thing is, I think I could fix this. I know what I need to do. It's just getting my sad ass up and doing it. What I need to do is eat, (obviously, duh) and connect; both with others and myself. These two things seem so simple. Eat and connect. Voila! The problem with depression is it likes to keep me idle and detached. It disables me from moving forward. The role of the depression is to lock me up and throw away the key. Logically, I know what to do. I just have to shake this devil off my back.
What I also need to do is go over the list of people I have in my life and the people I want in my life. I must let go of the people who have made it clear that a relationship with me is not a necessity for them, and really focus on the people who do what to know me. For too long I have been wasting my time forcing relationships with people who don't need it as much as I do. I have to let those go. I have to quit trying to change me for them. I will never be everything for everybody. Kristy is not everyone's cup of tea and I truly have to accept that. I need to put my energy back into the circle of people who are important to me and those I want to have a relationship with. Those who really want to be in it with me.
I think once I make that human connection with that important circle again, the eating part will come more naturally. An eating disorder really wants its host to be alone. It's easier to survive if there is no one around to challenge the rigid and crazy rules and behaviors. One is so much easier to control when there is a disconnect with people and feelings. Connection is the eating disorder's enemy. If I can force myself to take that step, accept me as I am, and see that my loved ones do too, I believe the food piece will fall back into place. So here I go, one reach-out at a time. I'm calling.
"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley
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